From the Desk of Chairman
I extend my heartiest felicitations to the school community. Their whole hearted efforts have brought our school forward in leaps and bounds. I believe that Kindergarten Convent School provides not only a strong foundational education for its students but also excels them forward into the future. In the school we strive to deliver an educational program where achievement in academic subjects is positively balanced with social & emotional growth. We are committed to continually reviewing our progress in order to find ways to further improve. I trust that these webpages and our updated policies will be an effective instrument for the provision of good information about our school as well as a source of clear expectations and commitments for each of us. At Kindergarten Convent School, we recognize that learning does not only happen in the classroom. Our students regularly excel in extracurricular activities. We firmly believe that education is a three way partnership between students, parents and teachers. We are committed to fostering excellent relationships with parents to ensure the very best support.  My prayer for Kindergarten Convent School is that we would continue to provide a school environment where students feel safe, well supported and encouraged in their learning and development. Kindergarten Convent School is an excellent school with a great atmosphere of learning. Hope you will enjoy browsing these pages and we look forward to welcoming you into our school community.                                           .
  Looking forward to serving you throughout the year!